It is time to say goodbye to the rams -- and lambs! (lots of them) for today. Parting is such sweet sorrow...UP NEXT, "The Corporate Blues" and other poems from Corporate HQ in Midtowwwn Maaannnahttannnn!
After that, we will jump back into the Time Machine and head back to the campus of Eastern Connecticut State U in Willimantic, CT in the early 80s for some more...slamming POETRY! Finally, we will all step back further through time, to Palmer Memorial School in Uncasville, CT, where I will introduce you to "Prize Winning Fiction" with The Secret of Cherrygrove Manor." (circa April 10, 1974).
See ya here next week. Same time, same place. Try 1X a week in order to enjoy....THINK SUNSHINE and honeeey, see you at the beeeaaaach!
Denise...Denise Dances...2011.