Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blood Drive 1989 RESULTS

The results are in!


McGrath & O'Connor Financial Services Company
1213 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10021

                                                                BLOOD DRIVE 1989

As Coordinator of McGrath & O'Connor's 1989 Blood Drive for Commodity Future Traders Stocks & Bonds Options, I personally asked approximately 30 people to give blood. As it was difficult to spend too much time away from my desk, I called on TD to help recruit donors in the Circulation Department where he works. I also asked the other two secretaries, CPR and AP to speak to their staff and send prospective donors to me.

I recruited 8 donors.

Some donors were recruited instantly; others had to be prodded with pamphlets and reminders of date, time and place. One reluctant donor was finally persuaded with T's help: "It was the picture" on the pamphlet, is what persuaded PYT, a first-time donor. Others were quick to respond. Once they received the form, they merely filled it out and rolled up their sleeves.

Every donor is different. Some need visual aids, brochures, photos, and films. Other potential donors just need to be informed of time and place. Still others need to be reminded verbally. And some just need a form to fill out and send away.

Also, to help promote the Blood Drive, the bulletin board was adorned with the color brochures, interoffice memos, news articles, and even, red book markers. I donned the heart-emblazoned badge, "Blood Donors Make Happy Endings" as a subliminal reminder.

Overall, recruitees need to be INFORMED. Questions must be answered verbally or with promotional literature, in a relaxed, non-aggressive manner. I personally took the liberty of writing a brief, persuasive memo to each person in the department.

You can lead a person to the Blood Drive but you can't force him to roll up his sleeve.

DH/ 0556D
May 11, 1989