Monday, April 25, 2011

CONCLUSION: Single Mom of Cactus County

On her last day in Arizona, Debbie and Carlotta stopped by Toni's house. On the way out, Charlene said,"Bye, Debbie, I love you. See you tomorrow."

At the airport, Carolotta and Debbie hugged.

Black clouds came into view as the airplane nose dived into Logan Airport.

"The most beautiful sight I've ever seen," Debbie confessed to the girl sitting next to her.

"Not me!" the girl laughed. "I want to go back to Arizona." She wanted to start her own business in massage therapy.

"I missed the ocean so much," Debbie said.

"What sign are you?"


"Of course. That's a water sign."


"Did you go to the beach?" her sister Nicole asked her, sitting at the kitchen table.

"No, there's no beach!" Debbie laughed.

"Well, are there lakes?" Nicole asked.

"No! That's just it! You can't go to the beach. There are no oceans. No lakes. All the rivers are dried up."

Nicole looked at the table and frowned.

"There are palm trees," Debbie said. "They remind you of the beach, but there isn't any beach!"

"It's like a teaser," Nicole nodded in understanding.

"She'll be back," her father had told her mother. "There's no ocean."