Wednesday, November 10, 2010


"I don't know what to do," Nicole was saying over the phone from her private office at Mercator Corporation Headquarters, a private firm that had top secret dealings with Russia. Some of her fellow staffers had even gone to Russia to meet with President Gorbachev himself.

"You mean, he didn't show up?"

"No. We paid him two hundred dollars to move our stuff out. He was supposed to be at the apartment at eleven."

"He's probably sleeping on a park bench somewhere," Debbie giggled uproariously from the confines of her front and center desk.

"And you know what? Maxine is crazy! She's still sleeping. I had to talk to her through Olivia. I don't know if I can live with her much longer."

"She feels sorry for 'him.' He's a killer!" Debbie laughed hysterically.

"I TOLD her not to answer the phone. She LIED to me. Then she said she heard Joyce mention it."

"If she can't lie, she shouldn't. I have no respect for lying. He's a killer! She had to pick up the phone because she felt sorry for him because he's behind bars. He's a KILLER!" Debbie giggled.

"I don't know what to do. We have to be out of there."

MORE ON THE BIG MOVE OUT OF Penthouse Fourteen later! "All good things must come to an end," it seems.